Friday, May 12, 2006


Oh, and did I mention we're also in the middle of a remodel?

It's every bit as bad as it looks. Only the bath is functional at this point, and only cold water. No heat. Outlets and switches dangling from cables in the middle of the room. Rubble and dust everywhere. (sigh) Remodels are just that way. They suck. You never know how you're actually goi
ng to build anything new until you take out what's there and see how it was built in the first place. Then you always run into stuff you didn't know was there. Unless you don't, and then you have to figure out how to deal with that...

Yeah, I know, I'm a buildergrrl so this should be no big deal. But to be honest, I'm a new construction type of builder. I usually start a project with a bulldozer - because I HATE REMODELS.

Living in the remodel just makes it all that much worse. Nothing works, there's dust and rubble and crap everywhere, everything you own is in boxes under sheets and plastic - so who knows where anything is?? Trying to do your own remodel is like trying to drill and fill your own cavity - it's messy, no working space, no perspective, and absolutely no reason to do it yourself - unless you're a dentist and even then I bet it sucks.

I'm getting out of town this weekend.
Next week I'm camping in the back yard. Seriously.

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