Took a ride around the Wright Brothers’s monument at Kill Devil Hills, ran into a couple of pilots and traded stories for a while. Then continued on to camp out at Oregon Inlet.
Woke up at dawn to cross the last big scary bridge before the winds picked up. They’d been pretty strong out here the past few days, but were light in the early morning. I rode across watching pelicans, cormorants, gulls and terns hunt for breakfast.
Wind picked up from the west over the course of the day and that brought out the windsurfers and kiteboarders. Passed a whole flock of them just south of Salvo.

Continued on to Hatteras and decided I might as well push straight on through to Ocracoke. Arrived in the late afternoon and pulled in to Howard’s pub for a well-earned beer. Have a couple days to just kick back and relax before my sweetie shows up to fly me home. So I’m going to the beach.
Awesome pictures and updates! Is it possible to upload your route from the GPS so we can see the way you went?
Just added links to the bottom of each post that'll take you to a google map for that section's route.
- cb
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