So of course we went out to check out the storm at around 10:00pm when the gusts were starting to really rock the house. We went down to Golden Gardens park, by the Shilshole Marina on the sound and walked out to the point. The gusts drove sand in streams up to our knees and white capped waves crashed onto the beach. The trees up on the bluff were Howling. The sailboats' rigging were shrieking. There were freaky green flashes of lightning which we later learned were transformers blowing up.

On Friday we still had power in the city, but the suburbs and outlying areas were for the most part dark, and a lot of them still are. Even the presses were stopped at our two daily papers.

Yesterday I had one project with power, two without. The guys had done a pretty good job of battening things down before they left on Thursday so we had minimal damage, just a lot of tree branches to clean up on Friday.
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