Chief among the kit planes we considered was the Glasair. They had a great design, a great kit, and they were pretty close to Seattle. Ultimately, we chose kites over planes which led to a story much too long to tell and got us all to where we are today.
For some reason, I find no irony in the fact that two of the original four are now building a Glasair Sportsman. And the friend who sailed us in Cinnamon Girl will be working on the engine. And the friend who first housed our fledgeling start-up will be helping us with our instrumentation and all-important CRM (cockpit resource management). In fact, nothing makes me happier than to see this team together again. I couldn’t wish for better craftsmen! But what's more is they're fulfilling their own dream – to build an airplane – and so they’re inspired to do their best work making their dream a reality. Would that we all could make an opportunity for ourseves to live our dreams!
Here are a few shots from day two of their progress…

Even more can be found here:
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